The paintings I'm currently beginning to draw out are
""Brother Sun" (48" x 60") - an Art Deco-styled painting with St. Francis as the subject. Many people don't know that the historical/official name of Santa Fe is "La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Assis" (which means The Royal Village of the Holy Faith of St. Francis of Assisi - difficult to fit on most postcards and envelopes )
"Rain Dance" (42" x 60") - an abstract style painting depicting the movement and energies of the dance.
2 additional paintings are:
"Taos Pow Wow" (48" x 48") - due to the across-the-board popularity of my painting, "Under a Coyotte Moon" I am going to paint an additional painting featuring a full moon and incorporating the annual Taos Pow Wow.
"Reluctant Godmother" (48" x 72") - I think the most internationally popular icon of Santa Fe is the artist Georgia O'Keeffe. I am going to paint my "homage" to her combining an Art Deco style with Surrealism.
These 4 paintings are going to take months and 100's of hours to complete, so it's not like they will "magically" appear in a few weeks. Much of my completion timeline will also be determined by my ability to survive financially, having never received the basic finances I need each month since I began this venture in July 2009....."struggle" is too mild a word to use for my experiences of living here. Time will tell whether the ultimate outcome far outweighs the difficulties of this current experience.
Thanks for the continuing encouragements.