The actual 7th chakra is the 7th main energy center of the physical body (utilized in both acupuncture and yoga) and is located at the top of the head where the "soft spot" is located in newborn infants. Symbolicly it represents the "highest" connection point between the physical world and the spiritual world. It is referred to in different ways by many cultures and religions when discussing individuals who have attained a certain level of "enlightenment." In Hinduism and Buddhism it is referred to as the "Lotus of 1,000 Petals." In Christianity it is referred to in the story of Pentacost ** (Acts 2:1-4; "tongues of fire" were seen on the tops of the heads of the assembled...). Personally, I have witnessed this phenomen on other people twice in my life and it does look like "flickering petals of white fire" at the top of an individual's head
* A lithographic print from this edition is in the permanent Collection of the Office of the Presiding Bishop of the Diocese of Oklahoma - Episcopal Church, USA. It was a gift from the National Historian of the Episcopal Church, USA - The Rev. Curtis Wilhelm Valentin Junker - to the then presiding Bishop - The Rt. Rev. Chilton Powell.
** Pentacost in Judaism is the "Festival of the First Harvest" celebrated 15 days after Passover. In the story in the Christian Bible the people were assembled to celebrate this version of Pentacost when they experienced something of a more "spiritual" nature.